on: documenting “Besetzte Räume” Gedenk und Bildungsstätte Andreasstraße, Erfurt, 06th February 2016

Ukrainian artist, autor and activist Yevgenia Belorusets brings her series of Maidan photos and drawings at Gedenk und Bildungsstätte Andreasstraße, Erfurt. While the photos show the early stages of the protest, before it turned violent, the drawings stand as her internalization of the most frequently circulated media image coverages. The work is displayed in former …


on: final rehearsal for “Once upon a time”, Deutsches Theater, Berlin, 08th December 2015

“Once upon a time” brings storytelling on stage. Each of the four narrators (Regine Abatsong from Cameroon, Kobra Azizi Halef from Afghanistan, Lowricia Taouema from Benin and Boshra Aldandan from Syria) tell one traditional story from their native land, in their maternal language. Direction and concept: France-Elena Damian. Translators into German: Regine Reichenbach, Fatemeh Aïzadeh und …


on: rehearsals for “La Passion de Simone”, Tischlerei, Deutsche Oper, Berlin, 23-24th November 2015

“La Passion de Simone”, a musical journey in 15 stations, evoking Simone Weil, was staged by Peter Sellars at the Deutsche Opera’s Tischlerei, end of November. I had the chance to watch two of the rehearsals. Soprano: Julia Bullock; Choir: Rundfunkchors Berlin (Isabelle Voßkühler, Christine Lichtenberg Alt, Jan Remmers Tenor, Wolfram Teßmer Bass); Orchestra: Orchester-Akademie der Berliner Philharmoniker; Conductor: Duncan Ward; Director …


despre: “Temps d’Images”, Cluj, 7-14 Noiembrie 2015

Timp de o săptămână voi avea șansa să urmăresc derularea festivalului Temps d’Images ținut la Cluj. Voi desena și scrie despre reprezentații, repetiții și câteva din detaliile de organizare care se pot traduce vizual. Parteneri in acest reportaj: Echipa ColectivA. Mulțumuri Siminei Corlat, Alexei Băcanu, Oanei Mardare, Oanei Hodade, Cristinei Bodnărescu, Corinei Bucea, Andreei David, Mădălinei Dan, …


on: “notallthatwonderarelost”-technical preparations, Hebbel am Ufer theater, Berlin, 08-09 October 2015

Witty poetry, playfulness and a sense for good timing- all are parts of in Benjamin Verdonck’s performative installation “notallthatwonderarelast” staged at Hebbel am Ufer theater between 08-10th October. Starting up early in the morning of the premiere, I witnessed the show’s technical preparations. Benjamin Verdonck’s triangle propeller machine- a machine that gives motility to variously …


on: “Read to Me in the Stars”, Antje-Konservatorium, Berlin, 28th September and 3rd Oktober 2015

“Read me in the stars”-an installation to be viewed under the open sky- is in the making at Antje-Konservatorium, a place for the documentation and recovery of find objects. The entrance at  Antje Øklesund, resembling a “ruin painting” engulfed in vegetation and melancholy, is to become even more scenic with the several meters high arrangement …


on “The production of Orfeo”, Martin Gropius Bau, 11-12th; 14-18th September 2015

Reporting directly from the production set, I will draw the behind the scenes of “Orfeo”, by Susanne Kennedy, Suzan Boogaerdt, Bianca van der Schoot, with the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop, that will be performed between 18-20, 26-27, 30 September and 1-4 October at Martin-Gropius-Bau. The notable element of this production is that it is conceived as a parcours, …
